Always great information and helpful advice!

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Thanks for stopping in, Tracey!

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The notion of someone stealing your "million dollar book idea" is just ridiculous. If you gave ten authors the exact same idea and turned them loose to write the result would be ten totally different books. There's a limited number of story ideas that are used again and again. There's nothing new. What makes a story work or not is the skill of the author, their unique take, and a lot of luck. I can see why professionals presented with this obstacle from a writer would just pass.

The rest of your post, was as always, filled with great references. I read them all! I appreciate the education I'm getting along with a real appreciation for what professionals bring to the business of publishing and selling books. While I'm not pursuing a literary agent and big five publisher route, I will pursue smaller publishers who bring the same expertise, just at a smaller scale.

Thank you

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Thanks for reading, Bruce!

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